What Is

Skin treatments are an important service that you should not deny yourself, containing many benefits for your wellbeing including; the removal of unwanted toxins and bacteria which cannot be achieved from home cleaning. Additionally, these unwanted products on your skin can lead to disease and blemishes, however, The Beauty & Brow Parlour skin treatments applied by our passionate beauticians are able to effectively avoid for you.

Additionally, our expert skin treatments have the positive effect of deep cleansing and hydrating the skin, Consequentially, creating a life-improving sense of rejuvenation as well as the benefit of exfoliation, which can remove dead skin and make room for new skin cells to flourish

Furthermore, the positive effects of our skin treatments is the ability to not only cleanse the skin but also aid in clearing up blemishes or pimples. Moisturizing the skin may help it feel better, however, you miss out on steaming which can open the pores and exfoliating that can get rid substances that may be clogging the pores.

These processes help clear up the skin to look its most beautiful self. We would love to help you feel your most beautiful self-possible, which our skin treatment can achieve for you.

THE BEAUTY & BROW PARLOUR Lash Extension Service
By Appointment Only*

(Availability of appointments may vary between stores)


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